
August 29, 2022
ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
Ayurveda sees diabetes as an illness characterized by frequent urination. The three doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are associated with various ailments according to Ayurveda. Diabetes is one of the most severe and common diseases. Due to the multiple issues it may cause and potential organ damage, diabetes is recognized to be a painful...
ayurvedic treatment for infertility
Ayurveda does not rely on any external or foreign factor to replace or correct the hormones in the body; rather, it enhances the body’s inherent self-healing and balancing processes. It focuses on the comprehensive ayurvedic treatment for infertility to improve the woman and man’s overall welfare and quality of life. What causes infertility in males and...
boosting immunity in ayurveda
There are numerous advantages of Ayurveda. Going the ayurvedic route is the best option for maintaining a balanced diet and mental and physical well-being. The oldest medicine system in the world, poems intel power and vigor by boosting immunity in Ayurveda to fight off various illnesses and infections. Ayurveda states that in order to increase...