What are the 11 best yoga asanas and Ayurvedic treatments for hip joint

It’s believed that we hold a lot of emotions in our hips (if you’ve ever started sobbing during Pigeon Pose, you know what we mean), which is not surprising given that the hips are one of the most significant and complicated parts of the body. Read further to know about some of the best yoga asanas and hip joint treatment in Ayurveda.

The hip complex is essential for maintaining overall balance, mobility, and stability since it connects your lower limbs to your torso. When the psoas (the long muscle that extends from the lumbar spine through the pelvis to the femur) becomes chronically stiff, your lower back becomes tight. This strain causes the psoas to shorten and a small swayback to emerge, making ordinary activities like walking, sitting, standing, or yoga difficult. In addition, your hamstrings may have to adjust, and knee discomfort may develop. You can try hip joint treatment in Ayurveda if the discomfort persists.

The hips are also the seat of personality on a psycho-spiritual level. The svadhisthana (root) chakra, located in the pelvis, is the energy point connected to sensuality, creativity, pleasure, and freedom of expression. This region is intricately entwined in our connection to ourselves and others, and it is frequently where we store unexpressed feelings. Hip joint treatment in Ayurveda can be helpful if you ever feel like your hip joints are becoming tight.

Whether your hips are tight from too much sitting, an extreme running regimen, or even heredity, it’s critical to loosen them up and keep them moving. The following yoga positions massage, open, and lubricate the hips, which can relieve pain, improve posture, expand the range of motion, and even help you release whatever you’re holding onto.

11 simple yoga poses that for deep hip opening

Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog

Begin in the Downward-Facing Dog position. Pose with your legs pushed back, heels pressed into the floor, back flat, and hands out in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Firm your forearms and actively squeeze through your index fingers. Elevate one leg toward the ceiling on an inhaler while keeping the other heel grounded. Make sure your elevated portion is parallel to your back, making a straight line from your shoulder to your heel. Maintain this position for 10 seconds. This downward facing dog yoga position will stretch the calves and hamstrings while warming up the hips.   

Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog, Variation

Exhale from Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog by bending the high knee and bringing the heel toward the opposite glute. Hold this stance for 10 seconds before returning your foot to the ground, aligned with your planted foot. On the other side, repeat Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog and this version. This variation will expand the hip flexor in preparation for more challenging poses.

High Lunge

On an exhale, sweep your raised leg across your midline and land your foot between your hands from Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog. Next, bend your front knee to 90 degrees, making sure your toes are visible, and stack your knee over your heel. Next, stretch and activate your rear leg. Relieve neck stress by holding it straight as an extension of the spine. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Low Lunge

Bring your backward knee down to the floor and sweep your arms overhead from High Lunge. To preserve and extend your spine, draw in your lower tummy. Next, sink into your back hip while activating your core. You might put it under your back knee if you have a blanket around for extra comfort. Hold for 10 seconds.

Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)

In a broad lunge with your hands on the floor inside the knee, inch your front foot out to the side from Low Lunge. If possible, lift your back leg off the floor and either stay up on your hands or bring your forearms down to the ground for a deeper stretch. Maintain the stance for 10 seconds, pointing your back inner thigh up toward the sky and your chest forward through your arms.  

Twisted Monkey

Bring your backward knee to the floor and bend it so your toes extend up from Lizard Pose. Take hold of your outside foot with your opposite arm extended back. Twist your spine so that your chest opens toward the sky. Depending on how flexible you are, you can do this posture on your hands or forearms. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Begin to unwind from Twisted Monkey by releasing your foot and bringing your hand down beside your front foot. Draw your back knee parallel to your right knee to form a tabletop position. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart. In Downward-Facing Dog, stretch your tailbone away from your pelvis as you elevate your sitting bones toward the ceiling from the Tabletop. As you twist your biceps toward your ears, press through your index fingers. Hold for 10 seconds.

Pigeon Pose

Lift one leg into a Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog and sweep it across your midline from Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Place the edge of your right foot directly below your left wrist on the mat. On an inhale, lower your back knee and quadriceps toward the mat while lying your front shin down perpendicular to your chest. Next, roll the back hip bone forward, drag the front outer hip back and toward the middle line of your body, and extend the arms forward in front of the body any amount before relaxing down. Your hip bones should be square to the front of the mat. Hold for 10 seconds.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose)

Bend your back knee from Pigeon till you can grip the ankle. Continue to rotate your rear leg inward until you feel a stretch at the front of your thigh. If there is room, reach for the ankle with both hands, activating the core muscles and avoiding the urge to sink into the lower back. Hold for 10 seconds.

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), variation

Unwind from the One-Legged King Pigeon Pose by dropping your elevated leg back down onto the mat, then swiveling into a sitting posture. Sit up straight, with your right knee on top of your left ankle and your left knee on your right. Extend both hips outward. If the top knee is elevated over the bottom ankle, place a cushion or block under the high knee for safety and support. Begin by folding forward slowly if the knees are comfortable resting on the ankles. Hold for 10 seconds.

Return to Downward-Facing Dog and repeat Pigeon, One-Legged King Pigeon, and Cow Face Pose on the opposite side.

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Unwind your ankles from Cow Face Pose and position both feet out in front of you, soles of both feet touching, heels moving in toward your pubis. Open your feet like a book and hinge at the hips to fold forward any amount. Stay for as long as it seems comfortable.

How can BC Hasaram’s Kesri Tailum help reduce hip joint pain?

Hip joint pain can cause a lot of discomfort. If not addressed as soon as possible, hip joint pain can get worse. BC Hasaram’s Kesri Tailum is the only clinically proven joint relief product. Apply Kesri Tailam to the affected area. Massage gently and thoroughly. After applying the medication, wash your hands unless you are using this medication to treat the hands. This oil can be massaged onto the affected area 2 times a day.

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