In Ayurveda, the term Mamsa Dhatu denotes the muscle tissue in the body. Dhatu is what upholds the sarira (body), manas (mind), and prana (life). Dhatus exist in two forms: sthayi dhatu (very much shaped dhatus which upholds the body) and asthayi dhatus, which are believed to help the previous by supporting, nourishing and maintaining them. Ayurveda advocates 7 types of body tissues, out of which mamsa dhatu is one of them. In the actual body, mamsa dhatu refers to the muscles and, by implication, the ligaments and skin, which are upadhatus framed as the unsteady form of rakta dhatu (posaka rakta), are changed over to Mamsa Dhatu.
Mamsa dhatu is more than muscle; it supplies solidarity, courage, backbone, and fearlessness. It is additionally the vehicle through which we communicate our thoughts. When healthy, our muscles work slowly to share the necessities and wants of the self-image while additionally accessible to communicate the imaginative motivation of the Divine. All in all, our flesh (body) is the expressive vehicle of both the jivatman (that piece of our spirit that relates with the ego) and the Paramatma (that piece of our spirit that relates to the Divine).
Ayurveda for strong muscles
Muscle is built from earth and fire and is then propelled via air. Earth gives the substance from which the cumbersome design of muscle is made, and fire lights the engine that coordinates its concentration and activity. Muscle is an exceptionally metabolic tissue. While earth and fire assume their principal parts in building the tissue, the air moves and starts its movement.
Producing a healthy Mamsa body needs enough Ahara rasa. The change from Sahara rasa to Sthayi Mamsa (Theory of making of Dhatus) requires around 15 days. Very much evolved muscle, Mamsa Sara, makes an attractive body like a Roman sculpture. It also affects the appearance of the body. Also, it gives covering, keeping up with body pose, and gives strength. It is likewise working as lepana, putting or holding.
Whenever we assess how Mamsa Dhatu and Meda Dhatu(fat tissue) are vitiated, we could without much of a stretch contrast that causes are almost the same.
·intake of heavy gross food like cheddar, yoghurt, milk, meat, food with deliquescent properties, heavy suppers
· Excessive dozing, particularly day time and after suppers,
· Absence of activity
· lifestyle habits
Muscle and the thickness of the skin and ligaments rely on an individual’s constitution. Individuals with a vata prakruti have insignificant strength measures and light skin and ligaments in any event when healthy and adjusted. Those with a pitta nature have moderate muscular growth alongside an average thickness of the skin and ligaments. People with a Kapha nature have bigger muscle mass with thicker skin and ligaments. No matter what the dosha, the tissues are sound, assuming they are steady in line with the doshic equilibrium of the individual and are tone and supple.
Vitation of doshas
Vitiation of Kapha dosha in the Mamsa Vaha Srota (a channel that conveys Posaka Rakta Dhatu) brings about low Mamsagni. This results in excessive Mamsa Dhatu development; however, the tissue framed is hard and rigid. Moreover, the Upadhatus (optional tissues) are also impacted. Hence, the skin and ligaments of the body become thicker, harder, and tighter. Mentally, self-confidence is quiet and solid; however, the inspiration and courage to make moves are inadequate.
Vitiation of pitta dosha in the Mamsa Vaha Srota brings about high Mamsagni. This results in less Mamsa Dhatu development; however, the tissue is solid and lean. Skin and ligaments likewise become thinner, and each of the three is inclined to inflammation and injury. Mentally, there is a strength of will and the courage to take risks and move forward. Self-assurance is high. This isn’t pretty much as great as it sounds. Recollect that pitta vitiation is an imbalance. Subsequently, the feeling of certainty and strength that is available is driven by self-image. The certainty and stability will regularly bring injury and inflammation inside the Mamsa Dhatu from pushing excessively hard.
Vitiation of vata dosha in the Mamsa Vaha Srota brings about a variable Mamsagni. This additionally brings about negligible tissue formation, and the tissue framed is powerless. Also, the skin and ligaments become more slender and inclined to injury. Vata vitiation inside the Mamsa Dhatu is liable for the best number of difficulties inside the tissues encompassing the body’s joints. Mentally, Mamsa Dhatu brings about a lack of emotional strength, courage and self-confidence. This makes hesitancy, alongside physical and emotional delicacy.
Accordingly, a healthy balance of doshas is significant for a solid and muscular build that helps boost immunity and nourishes and supports the development of the following tissue, for example, fat tissue ( Meda Dhatu).
Treating the right way: Mamsa Dhasu
When Kapha has entered the Mamsa Dhatu and Mamsa Vaha Srota, the best treatment is decreasing rich food sources and increasing Agni to improve muscle metabolism. Heavy food varieties, such as nuts, grains, meats, and vegetables, should be limited, and lighter food sources, such as vegetables and seeds, should be increased. The sharp taste is the best, decreasing Mamsa Dhatu and increasing Agni. Subsequently, foods should be prepared likewise, and oral supplementation with hot, zesty spices, for example, the trikatu mix, is appropriate. However, exercise is the surest method for increasing Mamsagni and diminishing the Dhatu, provided that food intake is limited. Vigorous exercise is best. Light loads should be lifted with numerous reiterations if a patient lifts loads as the joints travel through their full scope of movement. Extra time in the sun is also helpful. Yoga asana to improve adaptability and heating pranayamas are additionally suggested.
A healthy Mamsa Dhatu is important to carry on with daily life activities. To keep it healthy, it is critical to know one’s Prakruti and Vikruti and then take befitting moves that are important to restore harmony.