Ayurveda does not rely on any external or foreign factor to replace or correct the hormones in the body; rather, it enhances the body’s inherent self-healing and balancing processes. It focuses on the comprehensive ayurvedic treatment for infertility to improve the woman and man’s overall welfare and quality of life.

What causes infertility in males and females?
Ovarian, tubal, age-related, uterine, PCOS, endometrial, and other reasons for infertility in women are also present. Many factors, including mental instability, diet, lifestyle, unnecessary physical activity, and stress, can affect the menstrual cycle and contribute to the development of a Doshas imbalance (Doshas control the movements of the body- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha)
Male infertility is often caused by diseases that affect sperm production or transport, such as disk herniation, cancer, ejaculatory issues, tumors, hormonal imbalances, sperm-transporting tube anomalies, etc.
Nine herbs that are effective in ayurvedic treatment for infertility
According to Ayurveda, agnimandya (vitiation of the body’s digestive fire) and tridosha are the leading causes of any incorrect digestive system function. These Nine herbs can be vital in helping people who have infertility.
Shatavari, more commonly known as asparagus, is well recognized for boosting female fertility as well as enhancing male fertility. It is also known to have therapeutic qualities for other medical conditions; its several minerals are beneficial for arthritic conditions, high cholesterol, and depression. If you are suffering from any arthritic condition, B.C Hasaram’s Kesri Marham and Kesri Tailam could help with this problem. Shatavari, an herb in ayurvedic treatment for infertility, helps by nurturing the womb and preparing the female organs for pregnancy. It is claimed to improve fertility. Additionally, it eliminates the risk of miscarriages. Shatavari aids in treating mental disorders, cough, throat infections, bronchitis, and reproductive issues.
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh has been used for a long time for its medical benefits. However, it was once widely used to treat muscle aches and spasms. It has recently acquired appeal as a treatment for many uncomfortable menstrual disorders and period pain like headaches and cramps. Black cohosh is said to be helpful as an herb in ayurvedic treatment for infertility, even when used with conventional reproductive medications. It is important to note that this herb should only be used after consulting a doctor and with great caution.
In addition to having adaptogenic characteristics that help the body deal with stress efficiently, ashwagandha May also be able to prolong life, improve quality of life, and safeguard brain health. In addition, it has been discovered that Ashwagandha, as a herb in ayurvedic treatment for infertility, influences both luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, supporting ovulation and egg growth. Ashwagandha can support libido and cervical mucus production in addition to acting as an aphrodisiac. Ashwagandha has been shown to raise testosterone levels; thus, women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome( PCOS) should not take it. Men with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer also should not use it either.
Licorice root can be used as an extract or brew a decoction from the root itself. It supports the endocrine system, modulates the immunological system, aids liver detoxification and repair, and improves general hormonal health results from all three activities. It is a phytoestrogen, meaning even though the body does not make it, it has the same effects as estrogen. Licorice as a herb in ayurvedic treatment for infertility helps Phytoestrogen bind to estrogen receptor sites, preventing xenohormones from binding to these sites. Additionally, licorice functions as an anti-inflammatory, promote healthy digestion, regulates blood sugar levels, and encourages the formation of cervical mucus. But please note that always take licorice at the dosage that has been prescribed.
Maca is a herb in ayurvedic treatment for infertility that is cruciferous in nature and resembles a turnip. Although Maca does not contain any hormones, it supports the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands and impacts the vital hormones in both men and women. It has 31 distinct minerals, 60 different phytonutrients, and glucosinolates, a substance that affects both men’s and women’s fertility. Because of this, Maca is an excellent choice for infertility. The sterols in Maca are known to increase testosterone and prevent estrogen synthesis. This function is aided by the fatty acids, zinc, and iodine, which all have inherent hormone-balance capabilities.
Cinnamon is essential in boosting fertility in both men and women. The fertilization process is accelerated by its inherent qualities. Male infertility is primarily caused by low sperm counts. Cinnamon is regarded as a spice meal that warms the body. Due to the warming effects it exerts on the body, it raises the sperm count in males by enhancing blood flow in the pelvis. In addition, it helps with weight loss, strengthens the immune system, and treats diabetes, and joint pain, among other things. B.c Hasaram and sons Kesri Marham and Kesri Tailam can help with joint pain and many other bodily pains. You can get these advantages by adding cinnamon to your everyday diet. But don’t forget that cinnamon should be used moderately.
Red Raspberry Leaf
The leaves of red raspberry have been said to relax the uterine muscles. This action prepares the uterus for an early miscarriage. This also aids in the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. Red raspberry leaves are high in Phyto-progesterone levels, which is one of the essential hormones needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Red raspberry, as an herb for ayurvedic treatment for infertility, is high in vital nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamine E, potassium, and many more. It is also known to help extend the luteal phase and tone the uterine lining to assist in pregnancy. Because Red raspberry leaf can cause uterine contraction, many herbalists advise against using it while pregnant.
Evening Primrose
Evening primrose has traditionally been used as a fertility herb. Gamma-linoleic acid is one of the fatty acids for internal healing and boosting cervical mucus production in women attempting to contain it because it is consumed through primrose. The likelihood of becoming the viable cervical fluid preserved sperm over the ovulation days. Evening Primrose has many of the same benefits as flats and fish oils for enhancing fertility. Due to the evening Primrose effects on the uterus, you must be careful to take the supplement at the proper time, before ovulation, and not during it. This can be simpler if you track your ovulation cycle.
Chasteberry, also called Vitex Agnus-Castus, has been used in ayurvedic treatment for infertility for a long time. It has been used to treat various illnesses, and its fertility effects are well recognized. Indirectly raising progesterone levels with chasteberry can ensure that you ovulate a healthy egg and that the lining of the uterus is ready for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Chasteberry also assists women with luteal phase problems in improving cycle regulation and enhancing conceiving.
How can B.C Hasaram be a helping hand during pregnancy?
In order to prepare your body for delivery, the hormones usually relax your joints throughout pregnancy, which could cause body aches and pains. B.C hasaram is known for its ayurvedic solution to every kind of bodily pain, which could be a great addition to your well-being during pregnancy. Visit the B.C Hasaram website and get the products best for you.